If you need any other type of information or you are a company, call
0256 214 011 or write an email to sales@bontimes.ro. Thank you!
Having QUALITY as its core value, the BIT brand was born in 1993, from the desire to offer the experience of comfort through the casual footwear we produce.
Bontimes SRL
Str. Gramma II, nr. 1,307160, Dumbravita, Timis, Romania
Footwear production is a complex process that requires expertise and attention to detail, and at Bontimes we are dedicated to providing superior quality products to our customers. We are proud to have a team of over 150 skilled employees in our factories, capable of producing approximately 200,000 pairs of footwear per year.
However, in addition to domestic production, we also collaborate with European and Asian factories that meet our design and quality standards. These multi-year joint venture collaborations allow us to expand our manufacturing capabilities and offer a greater variety of options for our customers.
We are proud to have lab technicians on site in these factories to ensure that our products are produced to our quality standards and are made with the best materials and technologies available. Ultimately, our goal is to provide superior quality products to our customers, regardless of where they are produced.