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Having QUALITY as its core value, the BIT brand was born in 1993, from the desire to offer the experience of comfort through the casual footwear we produce.
Bontimes SRL
Str. Gramma II, nr. 1,307160, Dumbravita, Timis, Romania
While it may be tempting to go for faux leather shoes, purchasing a genuine leather pair can bring a number of benefits in terms of comfort as well as quality and durability. Here are some reasons why you should turn your attention to genuine leather shoes:
Natural leather lasts longer
Natural leather is a much more durable material than other materials used to make shoes. When we take proper care of our leather shoes, we can enjoy them for many years. Due to its quality and durability, they can be worn for years, even a decade. In addition, the natural leather molds to the foot over time, becoming more comfortable, but at the same time maintaining the shape of the shoe, which means you don't have to worry about your shoes becoming deformed.
Genuine leather shoes will always fit perfectly
A faux leather shoe may not always be comfortable to wear, and over time there is a risk that the material will sag a lot and look sloppy. But due to its natural quality and elasticity, genuine leather shoes will stay in shape so they mold perfectly to your foot. Also, genuine leather is a breathable material, which means your feet won't overheat or get wet.
Natural leather shoes are easy to repair
Genuine leather shoes are easier to repair than synthetic leather shoes. Scratches and dents can be easily repaired and, thanks to the quality and durability of natural leather, the repaired shoes will look like new. Conversely, shoemakers will not be as keen to repair synthetic leather shoes as it does not have the same quality and durability as natural leather.
Feet sweat less
Due to its breathable quality, genuine leather shoes allow air to circulate inside the shoe and allow your feet to breathe. This means that perspiration is reduced, which will help you avoid unpleasant odors. In contrast, synthetic leather shoes are often made of materials that block air circulation, which can lead to the accumulation of sweat and unpleasant odors.
The chances of having allergies are reduced
Synthetic leather shoes can be made from a variety of materials, such as polyester, polyurethane or PVC, which can be irritating to sensitive skin or cause allergic reactions. Also, the production process may involve the use of chemicals harmful to the environment and human health, such as dyes, adhesives or solvents.
In contrast, genuine leather shoes are made from an organic material that is less likely to cause allergies. It is better tolerated by sensitive skin and is less likely to cause irritation or other side effects. Also, the production of genuine leather shoes can be more environmentally friendly, especially when less harmful cutting and dyeing methods and substances are used.
Imitation leather is not always the safest option
Although synthetic leather footwear is a popular option for those who want to avoid animal leather products, there are some disadvantages to choosing this type of footwear. Synthetic materials may contain toxic chemicals such as phthalates, carcinogens or hexavalent chromium salts. These substances can have a negative impact on human health and the environment.
In addition, the manufacturing process of synthetic leather footwear can be energy intensive and involve the use of finite resources such as petroleum. In contrast, genuine leather footwear is made from an organic material and is a more environmentally sustainable choice.
It might help with the mounts issue
If you thought bunions had nothing to do with the material of the shoes, several studies have revealed that genuine leather shoes can help feet suffering from this condition. Bunions are a painful condition that affects the joints at the base of the big toe and can cause discomfort and inflammation. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including uncomfortable footwear.
Shoes made from genuine leather are generally more flexible and softer than those made from synthetic materials, which can help reduce pressure on the joints at the base of the big toe and thus reduce the discomfort associated with the mounts. Also, because natural leather can easily stretch and adapt to the shape of the foot, shoes made of this material can provide better support and a more precise fit, which can also help reduce the risk of developing bunions.
Genuine leather shoes are a good investment
Even though the price of genuine leather shoes can be higher than those made of synthetic materials, it is important to remember that they are a good investment in time. Because they are stronger and more durable than other types of shoes, you can enjoy these shoes for many years. In addition, genuine leather shoes can be repaired and refurbished so that they look like new and are ready for further use. In contrast, synthetic footwear has a shorter lifespan and cannot be repaired effectively, so you will need to replace your footwear more often, which can be costly over time.
In conclusion, genuine leather shoes are an excellent choice for those looking for quality, durable and comfortable footwear. In addition to the benefits already mentioned, genuine leather shoes also have an elegant and classic look that can be worn on a variety of occasions, from formal events to everyday activities. So if you want to invest your money in a quality pair of shoes that will last for many years and provide you with comfort and style, genuine leather shoes are definitely a good choice.